September 28, 2017

Speaking Naturally

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-Bruce Tillit and Mary Bruton Newton
The Book Published by The Press Syndicated of The University of Cambridge

In English there are some rules to do in communication, or it called communication step. This book is that the way you to know how to speaking naturally with right expression and the way you can distinguish between Informal and Formal communication in English. When we talk to a native speaker, we are demanded to know the information about sociolinguistic rules by differ from those in their own culture. Because native speakers acquire these rules as part of growing up, they do not make conscious reference to them as adults. In this book, Speaking Naturally communication skills in American English, is a book for a teacher and a student to comprehend the situation of communication.
For the student this book will give an information about speaking in the sort of situations. In example, what is the most polite ways to interrupt? How to say thank with the other people, and so on. The student also will give some dialogues for helping student to distinguish how to speak in the variety situation.
For the teacher this book will give you the guidance to teach the student how to perform certain language function in English and the cultural rules using in the appropriate situation.
This book contains some units, that is:

  1. Presentation of language functions (thanking, agreeing, disagreeing, inviting, etc.) in both formal and informal situations.Informative readings on the cultural "rules" students need to know in real-life situations.
  2. Exercises and role play for pairs and small groups, to encourage interaction.
  3. Short recorded dialogue, which expose students to a range of Americanaccents and levels of formality.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


September 27, 2017

Stamford Raffles

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-Paul Nation

Stamford Raffles was a Englishman who was born in Jamaica in 1781. He was the son of an English sea captain, and he was from a poor family. He decided to start working at 14 in British East India Company. He worked very well and hard, so he got higher position in the company.

One day, Raffles become the rulers of the country they traded with, and he started to like foreign place. Then he made a book called History of Java in the 1817s. In 1819 Raffles sailed to Singapore. At that time Singapore still was covered by forest and only a few poor fishermen living there. Some of them were pirates, and they attacked the Raffles's ships and stole anything in his ships. When raffles came, he made a laws and stopped the pirates. The new laws that he made, that are:
  1. Made a policemen.
  2. Made sure that they new laws still kept.
Then Singapore became safe and no longer fearfulness. Now Singapore began a trading center for the world.

Raffles did many other things to Singapore, such as buildings, roads, and built many houses. Not only for Singapore, but also for Malay people. He was interested in the history of Malay people, so he read a lot of books about it. Then he made a wrote them in English so that other people could read them too.

He was also interested in nature, then he went into the forest looking for different plants and animal. He brought back some of them and sent it to England. He also brought plants, such as coffee and sugar to Indonesia.

In 1824, Raffles and his wife returned back to England. But before he arrieved in England, he got an accident. A fire began burning his ships and everthing was lost including his books, plants, and animals. Then Raffles started the London Zoo and became first president. In 1826 Raffles died at the age of 45 years old.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Don't Trust Me

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21st century, the new modern technology  such as smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc., has been valuable for everyone. Everyone can access easily everything what happens in this world via Internet. However, some gadgets need a security to keep safety our device, and they spend their money to buy the best firewalls for their computer security. Although they are using the best firewalls, it still their information doesn't keep safety yet. Do you think it's a hacker who did it? Yes, that's true. But this book tells us, not only hecker but also people near us. According from Kevin Mitnick, a infamous hacker in the 1990s, thinks the biggest danger these days is not a weakness technology, but it is people.

So don't trust easily with another people, they are maybe good outside but not inside, or maybe they are good inside but not outside.
Be careful everything what you do. Everyone has their mask.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Free Reading

September 23, 2017

10 Mistakes Made by Learners of English

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-Joanna Rubery

Every learners of English m particularly many mistakes in their grammar, pronunciation, and vocabularies depending on their mother tongue. Weather you realize it or not, you did it. Some of learners make some mistakes because their accent or mother tongue, but there are some mistakes that crop up across cultures and greet to another one, like old friends. English Foreign Language teachers around the world will be devising ever more ingenious ways of helping learners to iron out their imperfections.
Here are some of the most common mistakes that learners English across the globe have done. Probably in a few future generations will no longer be mistakes at all. Hope we can fix our mistakes in learning English.

1. Subject-Verb Agreement
They do a wrong writing sentence or speaking, such as My sister like One Direction.
They forgot to put -s because My sister (she) is present tense. It usually adds -s or -es in present tense in words she, he, or it.
So it should be, My sister likes One Direction

2. Pronunciation of th /θ/
In words Yes, I think so, they pronounce as Yes, I sink so/ Yes, I tink so/Yes, I fink so.
The th /θ/ sound, which is common in English, is one of the most difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce.

3. Please! In the Wrong Context (when giving or ordering someone something)
This is typical of learners English who translate their own language where the equivalent of please is often used on its own in these context. In English, the word Please is used to soften a request or an acceptance. In example;
ü Would you please pass me the water?
ü Please come this way.
ü Do you want more coffee? -Yes, Please
In English, when giving someone something, we would say There you are!; when a waiter shows costumers to their seats, we would say Please have a seat; and when someone presents food to guests, we would say Enjoy your meal!

4. Problem with Preposition
Learners usually do mistakes putting a preposition in their sentence. In example, She loves listening music. In English after a word listen, a native always puts a preposition to. So it should be, She loves listening to music. Dropping the to from listen to is one of the commonest mistakes made by English learners everywhere.

5. Using -ing Instead of -ed
Mixing up -ing and -ed participles is a huge source of confusion. The ending in -ed describe how people feel, and the ending in -ing describe the things (or people) that cause of feelings. Many learners still do mistakes in using -ing and -ed, such as I was boring. That words are definitely wrong because it does not describing how people feel. So it should be I was bored. To distinguish between using -ing and -ed as in below;
ü (people) Eddie is bored.
ü (thing) Ironing is boring.

6. Missing Out Articles
Since the intricacies of the definite and indefinite article in English are notoriously complex. So making mistakes with articles rarely affects meaning, but it is better to be precise. In example, Woman goes to school. Did the student mean The women goes to school, a women goes to school, or another subtly different sentence?

7. Mixing Up the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
English speakers or native speakers use the present perfect like quantum physicists, in order to talk about the past and the present at the same time. So getting it right is often a headache for many students. However, if we want to mention a completed period of time, such as this morning, last year, or in in the 1990s. Native generally use the past simple tense. In example;
X Last year we have been in Thailand
ü Last year we was in Thailand

8. Forming Questions Incorrectly
English usually requires the word order to be inverted. In example, asking question for the statement You are Peruvian becomes Are you Peruvian? Or You like chocolate becomes Do you like chocolate?
Particularly the question incorrectly whom use in Learners English is How long you stay? Or Do you can speak English?. Those all questions could be ambiguous. Then what is the correct one?
ü How long are you staying?
ü Can you speak English?

9. Not Using the Present Perfect Continuous
In example, she works here for three years. That sentence is not English requiring, and it is definitely wrong. Why? Cause English requires the present perfect continuous to describe actions that began in the past and are still continuing.
ü She has been working here for three years.

10. Using Since instead of for
In practice, since is used when talking about specific points in time:
ü Since 1 o'clock,
ü Since Yesterday,
ü Since My birthday, etc
And for is used when talking about periods of time:
ü For a day,
ü For two weeks,
ü For the whole year, etc

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati
Article Science 

September 21, 2017

Tips in Learning to Read English

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This book tells us about how to Read English in efficient and effective ways. It said reading English and reading in our own language aren't that far from each other. I.e, if you read English book, think that you read like your own language. Then you won't have hard time in learning how to read English. So how to your read English be better? Many people said doing practice everyday makes perfect, we always read wherever and whenever you are. You can read with the most basic, such as books, newspaper, or internet, or you can try to read dictionary as well. Those all will add your new vocabularies and try to make it understand, so you don't have to remember it but understanding the meaning. It usually called Skimming.
Not only books or newspaper, but also you can surf it in internet and look for website whom can train your reading skills, such as That website will be able you to learn how to read English be better, and also get to know more words and add them to your knowledge.
Once again, Practice makes perfect.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Language Laboratory

Ø History
The language laboratory is an audio or audio-visual installation for new era teaching media. Language laboratory can be found in School, University, and Academics. It is used for help teacher teaching the student more easily. In the 1950s up until 1990s, they were using tape-based systems. The original language laboratories are now very outdated. Current installation are generally multimedia PCs or computer.

Ø Language Laboratory Configuration
The 'Traditional' system generally comprises a master console (teacher position) which is electrically connected to a number of rows of student booth, typically containing a student tape recorder and headset with a boom arm microphone. The teacher console has responsibility to remotely control the tape, such as record, pause, stop rewind etc. from the master desk. The operation LangLab traditional  system are the teacher would then hand over control of the decks to the students. By pressing the record key in the booth, the student would simultaneously hear the playback of and being able to record his or her voice in the pauses, using the microphone. This is know as an audio-comparative system.
In the 1990s the LangLab had been transformation with software and hard drives in place of reels of analogue tape because so many problems with LangLab Traditional system, such as the limitation and relative complexity of the reel to reel tape system in use at that time. Many had no way to stop the tape running off the reel in fast rewind or forward wind, which meant time westing and greater chances of failure through misuse.

Ø Language Laboratory at The Present
Many schools transformed their old language laboratories into computer suites. However, the advent of affordable multimedia capable PCs led to a resurgence and transformation of the language laboratory with software and hard drives in place of reels of analogue tape. Today all the major manufacturers say they have a 'digital' or a 'just software' solution. There are very few truly software only solution that just rely on installing designated LangLab software onto a network to managed the media between teacher and student, student and student or student back to teacher. These days all changing becomes more professionally to run the networks with these 'software only' language lab solutions and deliver media synchronously.
Further development in language labs are now apparent as access moves from a fixed network related Microsoft operating system to online and browsers. So it makes the student easily to access and work from these new 'clouds' labs from their own device at anytime and anywhere.
At the present language laboratories change becoming Modern Language Laboratory because technology advancing extremely rapidly. So too is the nature of today's modern Language Labs. New technologies, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and WiFi networks, are the stuffs to do modern language labs. Many schools still use a dedicated room, but others use mobile so that can be wheeled from room to room, or BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in other words, modern language labs embrace the concept of: Any-Device / Any-Place / Any-Time.

Ø Components of Modern Language Laboratory
The principle of Language Laboratory, such as student and teacher essentially has not changed. They are still a teacher, controlled system connected to a number of student booths, containing a student's control mechanism and a headset with a microphones. Modern Language Laboratory rapidly include the following components, that is: Teacher Station - Student Station - Headset - server - Network - Language Laboratory Software.
Language Laboratory Software Is the software application that enables teachers and students to interact with one another. It includes a database of courses and classes. The participant a library of multimedia lesson materials assignments, student responses, and teacher feedback.

Summary and review
Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Science Article

Inspiration Comes Easy with Quotes

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Much people surely have a problem in their life, such as broken-home, break up love, economic problems, and many more. Some of them can solve their problems and survive from their worn out, but some of them cannot solve their problem even their life feels so unhappy. In fact, people who cannot survive from that is doing a suicide or blaming somebody else. Then, have you ever think how to be someone who have spirit in their live? This book will tell you about your problem, how Inspiring Comes Easy with Quotes.
When we feel so useless or down, read or listening some quotes is the best way to keep up our spirits. These are words that can lead you to be right ways. And they will inspire you, make you see that life is so great, and make you stronger. Here some words explaining why they are able to help you.
"Nothing is too late if you move to be what you think you might have been."
This is for people who think that they have lost their best chance in life. This means that even when that when one chance already has passed your way, you can catch it still if you really want it.

Then, "obstacles that come your way are stepping stones to your goal" that words from a guy named Prescott means it is normal that you pass through obstacles too. Take them the right way and you will be able to get your goal, like they are stepping stones.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

How Does Poor Sleep Affect Our Ability to Learn? Study Investigates

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-Anna Sandolu

Researchers found that the brain area is responsible for everything what happen to us including new skills, movement, sleep quality, etc. The motor cortex is not only responsibility for developing and controlling motor skills, but also helps the brain to restore itself after a day of activity by the deep sleep phase (Slow Wave Sleep). Now a new study manages to find precisely the brain area in the motor cortex responsible for learning new skills and shows how it can be affected by poor sleep quality.
Then Researchers do manipulating the motor cortex during deep sleep to six women and seven men to see how poor sleep can affect our ability to learn, after that they are asked to their willingness for helping researcher to find out How Does Poor Sleep Affect Our Ability to Learn? By using an electroencephalogram, the participants are monitored their brain while they were sleeping. During at night, their deep sleep had been disturbed. They did not know that their deep sleep had been disturbed.
On the first night of experiment, they were able to sleep without disturbance.
On the second night, the researchers were able to manipulated the participants' sleep quality and began to focus on the motor cortex. Through the experiment, researchers found the impact that poor sleep has on the neuroplasticity involved in practicing new movements.
The participants just felt that their quality sleep did not same as on both occasions. The researchers evaluated the participants' ability to learn new movements, and at then first day they did well. However, as the day progress their learning efficiency, after their sleep manipulated, did not improve as significantly. They do many mistakes and their performance was as low as on the evening of the previous day. The reason why it happens, according from researcher, is that during the manipulated deep sleep, then neurons' synapses did not "rest" as they normally would during restorative sleep. Poor sleep keeps synapses excited blocks the brain's ability to learn.
To ensure that they located the right brain area responsible for deep sleep, the researchers repeated the experiment by assigning the same task but manipulating a different region of the brain, but it did not result any chance to the participants' performance.
Sleeping 10 hours is better than sleep 8 hours because our body needs rest as well. Don't forget to take a rest and sleep well.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Sciencie Articles

September 14, 2017

Adam the Ant

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Ants are an smallest and strongest insect in this world. The ants can carry a load 7 times from his body. Ants live colony and the colonies is superorganisms. The ants have 2 types that is workers and builders. They always work together and appear to operate as unified entity.
One day, there was a worker ant, Adam. He is a brave ant, but not smart ant. When he was in line to collecting the food, he thought that "What is outside there? I want to look around and look for much food". Then he left his line and went to outside there. Suddenly, he found much food and wanted to tell the others of the place whom he found. While he wanted to go back, he thought that he had went so far and he didn't see his line and his colony anymore. Then, he took one of the food and climbed it up. He looked around and found his line, but a spider came up and saw Adam. "Hey, what are you doing here?" the spider said.
"I'm looking for food and find this place, who are you?" Adam said.
"I'm mother spider, and you?" she said.
"I am Adam. Mother spider, could you please tell me where is my colony? I don't know where I have to go." Adam said.
"Yes, in your left side. Adam, you can take this food as much as you want, but don't ever go back here anymore. OK?" the spider ordered.
"Well, okies. Thank you very much" Adam said.
Adam brought the food and went to his line back. After he was in there, he didn't listen to mother spider's command. He told to every ants about his food and the place. Then, the colony went to the place as soon as possible. They didn't know that it was a spider. All of the ants were died included Adams.
In that case, we know that we may think out of box, but we should think that "are we ready for it?" and always obey the regulation. Because the regulation is good and has positive thing for us.
 by Dini Dwintika Karuniati
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