December 31, 2017

Overlooked Treasure: The First Evidence of Exoplanets

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- editor by Tony Greicius

This article from NASA tells about Hubble and Milton Humason began as a janitor, worked together to explore the expanding nature of the universe. Using the legendary telescopes, they recognized the clusters of galaxies are traveling away from each other and the more distant galaxies move away from each other at greater speeds, but there is a far lesser known, 100-year-old discovery from Mount Wilson, one that was unidentified and unappreciated until recently. It's actually: The first evidence of exoplanets.

It started with Ben Zuckerman, professor emeritus of astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was preparing a talk about the compositions of planets and smaller rocky bodies outside our solar system for a July 2014 symposium at the invitation of Jay Farihi,  While preparing his talk, Zuckerman had what he later called a "true 'eureka' moment." Van Maanen's Star, unbeknownst to the astronomers who studied it in 1917 and those who thought about it for decades after, must be the first observational evidence that exoplanets exist. Farihi had suggested that Zuckerman talk about the pollution of white dwarfs, which are dim, dense remnants of stars similar to the Sun that have exhausted their nuclear fuel and blown off their outer layers. But in 1987, more than 70 years after the Mount Wilson spectrum of van Maanen's Star, Zuckerman and his colleague Eric Becklin reported an excess of infrared light around a white dwarf. This was, in 1990, interpreted to be a hot, dusty disk orbiting a white dwarf. Inspired by Zuckerman, Farihi became enamored with the idea that someone had taken a spectrum with the first evidence of exoplanets in 1917, and that a record must exist of that observation.

Scientists are still exploring polluted white dwarfs and looking for the exoplanets they may host. About 30 percent of all white dwarfs we know about are polluted, and Farihi was thrilled about how his Mount Wilson archive detective work turned out. In 2016, he described the historical find in the context of a review paper about polluted white dwarfs, arguing that white dwarfs are "compelling targets for exoplanetary system research." Who knows what other overlooked treasures await discovery in the archives of great observatories -- the sky-watching records of a cosmos rich in subtlety. Surely, other clues will be found by those motivated by curiosity who ask the right questions.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Article Science

Slurp no more: smart cutlery for the noodle gourmet generation

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- Mike Pegler

The innovation from a Japanese food firm, Nissin Food, has developed a noise-cancelling fork to take the socially awkward "slurp" away from eating noodles. Eating noodles is a favorite food for some kind of people especially Japanese, they usually eat noodles with slurp sound which is disturbing for another people. They think eating with sounds is impolite and it looks weird when you did it, but why Japanese usually does it? They reasons are because of the flavor and the enjoyable itself, if you eat noodles with slurp sounds, the noodles taste delicious and you can more enjoy it.
Because the differences of their thought, Nissin Food Product develops a tool that minimized the noise sounds named a noise-cancelling fork. The fork itself is 4.4cm wide and 15.2cm long and uses a microphone to detect offending slurps, which then triggers a smartphone app to "mask" the sound. Users can judge for themselves whether the chosen sound of "soothing, flowing water" emitted by their phone is any less embarrassing than a slurp. The gadget is only going to be made available if a target quota of 5,000 pre-orders is hit by mid-December.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Free Reading

Mysterious Dimming of Tabby's Star May Be Caused by Dust

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- editor by Tony Greicius

The mysterious stellar object, called KIC 8462852 or Tabby's Star has done unusual dips in brightness. None of this behavior is expected for normal stars slightly more massive than the Sun, but speculations have included the idea that the star swallowed a planet. Researcher, however, found less dimming in the infrared light from the star than in its ultraviolet light. Any object larger than dust particles would dim all wavelengths of light equally when passing in front of Tabby's Star. The new study suggests the objects causing the long-period dimming of Tabby's Star can be no more than a few micrometers in diameter (about one ten-thousandth of an inch).

From January to December 2016, the researchers observed Tabby's Star in ultraviolet using Swift, and in infrared using Spitzer. Based on the strong ultraviolet dip, the researchers determined the blocking particles must be bigger than interstellar dust, so dust that orbits a star, called circumstellar dust, is not so small it would fly away, but also not big enough to uniformly block light in all wavelengths. This is currently considered the best explanation, although others are possible.

To future exploration study authors have a good idea why Tabby's Star dims on a long-term basis, they did not address the shorter-term dimming events that happened in three-day spurts in 2017. Previous research suggested a swarm of comets may be to blame for the short-period dimming.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Article Science

NuSTAR Finds New Clues to 'Chameleon Supernova

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- Elizabeth Landau

An astronomer named Carl Sagan famously said. "We're made of star stuff, Nuclear reactions that happened in ancient stars generated much of the material that makes up our bodies, our planet and our solar system." When stars explode in violent deaths called supernovae, those newly formed elements escape and spread out in the universe. To explain it, scientists must reconsider established ideas about how massive stars live out their lives before exploding.

Astronomers classify exploding stars based on whether or not hydrogen is present in the event. While stars begin their lives with hydrogen fusing into helium, large stars nearing a supernova death have run out of hydrogen as fuel. But SN 2014C, discovered in 2014 in a spiral galaxy about 36 million to 46 million light-years away, is different. astronomers concluded that SN 2014C had transformed itself from a Supernovae in which very little hydrogen (Type I) to an abundance of hydrogen, which are rarer (Type) II supernova after its core collapsed.

NASA's Chandra and Swift observatories were also used to further paint the picture of the evolution of the supernova. The collection of observations showed that, surprisingly, the supernova brightened in X-rays after the initial explosion, demonstrating that there must be a shell of material, previously ejected by the star, that the shock waves had hit.

The study suggests that astronomers should pay attention to the lives of massive stars in the centuries before they explode because another possibility is that the star did not die alone. Astronomers will continue monitoring the aftermath of this perplexing supernovae.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


Article Science

NuSTAR Probes Black Hole Jet Mystery

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- editor by Tony Greicius

We know if everything whom passes in front of black hole can be eaten by black hole, such as vacuum cleaner or hover. But do you know if it doesn't eat everything? Of course you don't, maybe some of you know it, but in this article from said if a black hole doesn't eat everything like ravenous eaters that is a small portion of material which it will gets shot back out in powerful jets of hot gas, called plasma, if the small portion gets into black hole and it can wreak havoc on their surroundings. Scientists have long debate about where and how this happens in the jet. However, using NASA's NuSTAR space telescope and ULTRACAM, scientists from Spain have been able to measure the distance called Acceleration Zone that particles in jets travel before they "turn on" and become bright sources of light. Making these measurements wasn't easy.

The best theory scientists have to explain these results is that the X-ray light originates from material very close to the black hole. Strong magnetic fields propel some of this material to high speeds along the jet. The results also appear to connect with scientists' understanding of supermassive black holes, much bigger than the ones in this study. The results also appear to connect with scientists' understanding of supermassive black holes, much bigger than the ones in this study. The next steps are to confirm this measured delay in observations of other X-ray binaries, and to develop a theory that can tie together jets in black holes of all sizes.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Article Science

Hubble Observes Exoplanet that Snows Sunscreen

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-editor by Tony Greicius

Exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system, and the researchers always use a Hubble to made the observations as the distant world traveled behind its star. Then NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found a blistering hot exoplanet where it snows sunscreen (titanium oxide) and the weird things of titanium oxide is precipitation only happens on the planet's permanent nighttime side. A powerful winds carry the titanium oxide gas around to the colder nighttime side. However, the astronomers didn't look for titanium oxide specifically by using Hubble. Instead, they observed that the giant planet's atmosphere is cooler at higher altitudes, which is contrary to what was expected. Then they found led out which concluded that a light-absorbing gaseous form of titanium oxide, gas giant planet known as a "hot Jupiter," has been removed from the dayside's atmosphere. Without the titanium oxide gas to absorb incoming starlight on the daytime side, the atmospheric temperature grows colder with increasing altitude. The observations confirm a theory from several years ago that this kind of precipitation could occur on massive, hot planets with powerful gravity.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


Article Science

NASA Investigates Invisible Magnetic Bubbles in Outer Solar System

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- editor by Rob Garner

When we look at space, unbeknown to us we think that space seems empty. Actually, it is not. Because In space there is a dynamic place populated with near-invisible matter, and dominated by forces, in particular those created by magnetic fields. Magnetospheres, the magnetic fields around most planets, exist throughout our solar system. But not all magnetospheres are created equal: Venus and Mars do not have magnetospheres at all, while the other planets and one moon have ones that are surprisingly different. They are caused by high-energy, charged particles called cosmic rays that are spewed out by the Sun or come from interstellar space, and protect their planet's surface from harmful radiation of Sun with atmosphere.

Earths magnetosphere is created by the constantly moving molten metal inside Earth, and has shape alike an ice cream cone and a long tail around the earth to faces away from the sun because of the near-constant flow of solar wind and magnetic field from the Sun-facing side, and also it can trap energetic particles in radiation belts and rain down into atmosphere then become Aurora.

Mercury, with a substantial iron-rich core, has a magnetic field that is only about 1 percent as strong as Earths.
Jupiter, planet that after the sun, has by far the strongest and biggest magnetic field in our solar system it stretches about 12 million miles from east to west, almost 15 times the width of the Sun, and also Jupiter does not have a molten metal core; instead, its magnetic field is created by a core of compressed liquid metallic hydrogen.
Saturns huge ring system transforms the shape of its magnetosphere. Thats because oxygen and water molecules evaporating from the rings funnel particles into the space around the planet.

Uranusmagnetosphere wasn't discovered until 1986, but now Uranusmagnetic field and rotation axis are out of alignment by 59 degrees, unlike Earths, whose magnetic field and rotation axis are nearly aligned.
Neptune's magnetosphere is offset from its rotation axis, but only by 47 degrees.
Outside of our solar system, auroras, which indicate the presence of a magnetosphere, have been spotted on brown dwarfs objects that are bigger than planets but smaller than stars. Theres also evidence to suggest that some giant exoplanets have magnetospheres, but we have yet to see conclusive proof.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

Article Science

History Writing and Wikipedia

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This articles tells about the relationship between writing and Wikipedia which make a controversy between them. The relation between them means when a history happened and absolutely you need to write it down right? So the history does not just past away. Although many readers would readily accept the contentiousness and complexity of history writing, briefly touching on some ancient historical writing commentary as well as contemporary issues can help readers historicize this topic. While Wikipedia becomes a platform to help you keep the history with being it as Articles, it does not mean that the articles on Wikipedia are not without controversy. To solve the controversy, Wikipedia develops a page which is Criticism of Wikipedia, the table of contents lists “Accuracy of information,” “Quality of the presentation,” and “Systemic bias in coverage” as specific areas of concern. 
The writer of this article describes the significant features of the 6 Wikipedia article introductions, highlight noticeable similarities and differences between them whom made the controversy of the article “Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” as it has been composed in 6 different languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese, which are; 
1) Some information is found in all or nearly all of the introductions. Much of this information was “numbers” based, such as the dates of the bombings, the fact it was the first attack of its type, and the casualty numbers (found in all but the Japanese introduction). The surrender dates of Japan were also common in most of the articles. 
2) The way some events were worded appear to subtly deflect or promote agency, and it’s uncertain whether they still meet Wikipedia’s “Neutral Point of View” policy. 
3) Other details discussed in the introduction besides the information listed in my first point were typically arbitrary (e.g., Operation Downfall, specifics about the bombs, names of the plane and the pilot, Potsdam Declaration, Three Non-Nuclear Principles).
4) while I didn’t talk about citation in the introductions, the type of information cited or uncited is largely random. The Russian article had two citations regarding the date of surrender of Japan, which most would consider common knowledge. 
When writing about historical events and people, it’s important to understand that these were indeed real people who experienced incredible and often terrible events. Then in sight of the writer about Wikipedia should be made explicit whereas make a collaboration among multilingual students, international students, and students of other languages and  from different cultural backgrounds. This type of collaboration would not just lead to “more complete” Wikipedia articles, but could also lead to a better understanding of narrative, discourse, and information representation across different cultures and lead to undergraduate research projects between students and professors. 

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Article Sciences

Five-Year-Old Boy Uses Starbucks Restroom, Makes Shocking Discovery Under The Sink

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-Olivia Morton

It began from a child 5 years old in Lancaster went to a famous coffee shop called Starbucks with his family. When he wanted to go to restroom, his mother and he used the same toilet but he figured out something hiding under the sink and staring around at it. Confused by his son behavior, she asked to his son what was wrong. Then he asked back to his mother, he said "mommy... why is there a  phone under there?" His mother's skin began crawl and took closer. How shockingly it was a cellphone and the camera was facing directly towards the toilet. Then she snapped it for showing it the others and as a proof.

Then she complained about it to the staff and called the police, and cops found the phone and confrimed that it was recording a video. The suspect was easily to find out after the police investigated the devise and retrieved a photograph of a man which was Antonio Serrano, 38 years old. Serrano was sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison, after it was found that he had secretly filmed adults and children using public restrooms between May and July 2015.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Free Reading

Mom-of-One Accidentally Boiled

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-Emma Guinness

According to Reports from Russian said "the woman had boiled alive in a tank of boiled caramel". The woman is Nathalia Nemets, 30 years old. She was married and has one son. Before she was dead, Nemets worked in Chocolate factory in Russian, and in the morning she came and went to work to clean the tank of caramel. When she cleaned it, the caramel suddenly filled and boiled into the tank and she could not escape from that, because the tank were moving blades that constantly mix the caramel.
One of his friend felt strange, when she looked at attendant list that Nemets assigned but she didn't see her all the day. Then Nemets's colleagues saw her legs poking out of the caramel tank, and they couldn't do anything to save her because they didn't hear any voices from that. Then they removed the caramel from the tank and took out her body. Now her son lives with her sister, Yulia. Shockingly, this is the third death to have taken place this year at the factory in Stary Oskol, in the Belgorod region of Russia.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Free Reading

Grow with English Book 3

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Grow with English Book 3 is series of six books designed for elementary school students, and to s help students grow with English and become proficient in English. This book contain 10 lesson units and 2 units of review. Each lesson unit presents approximately ten new words related to the theme, one or two language functions commonly used in the theme, and sentence structures or patterns presented that support the language functions. The sentence pattern are not presented in the form of rules, but they are presented inductively through the repeated use of the patterns in the relevant sections in each unit, particularly in the dialogues, reading, and writing.

The book is designed in such a way that even an inexperienced teacher can use it effectively. Although each section in a lesson unit primarily serves a particular purpose, a creative or skillful, teacher can use almost all the sections in each unit to help the students develop the four language skills, such as listening, speaking, writing, and reading. So that, it can be enhance the development of the four language skills by way of such activities as "listen and repeat or write" and "read aloud". To make the students enjoy learning English, each unit contains one or two language games and a song related to the topic.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Spoken English

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-Robert Carmen
Published by: Abhishek Publication

English language is an universal language, in other words English is International communication for all around the world. So, it is so commonly when you see someone who their momther-tongue is non-native speaker talking or texting with English Language in this new era because this new globalization era we are forced to speak English. Even though the modern technology is using English as a basic language. So how can we avoid it? Many people want to study English well especially spoken English, but they cannot find a good book or a good teacher to teach the. So they are looking for good ways to study, such as books, articles, websites, and many more. Here I am want to tell you about this very good book. This book will teach you how to speak English well with easily way and easily to comprehend.
The book consist such as, contraction, pronunciation, vowel, stress in English language, list of English symbols, conversation, common errors, tongue-twister, phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, cliche, and slang.

  1. Contraction means to shorten a word or phrase by omitting one or more sounds or letters from it. In example, I'm (I am), I'll (I will), my dad's car (an apostrophe, it belongs someone), shouldn't (should not), let's (let us), etc.
  2. Pronunciation means how to speak English with correctly, and it is really important when you want to speak English well.
  3. Vowel means a letter or sound that is modified by labialisation or rounding.
  4. List of symbols means a sort of symbolic in English.
  5. Conversation is a dialogue between two or more than two people, they talk each other with their idiom and slang.
  6. Common errors is something that the learners usually do in spoken or written English.
  7. Tongue-Twister is sequence words that is difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly.
  8. Phrasal verbs are part of a large group of verbal called 'multi-word verbs'.
  9. Prepositional verbs are a group of multi-word verbs made from a verb plus another word or words.
  10. A cliche is not just something that lots of people say, it is some- thing that lots of people say and it conveys some sort of idea or message.
  11. Slangs are used in highly informal speech that is outside conventional or standard usage and consists both of coined words and phrases, and of new or extended meanings attached to established terms.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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