October 07, 2017

English Alive 3

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-English Alive 3rd
A Book from Yudhistira, M.J. Ari Widayanti and Rini Susanti Wulandari

This book, English Alive 3, are new season from the previous one, but this book is for third grade in Senior High School. The advantage from this book is still same as the previous one, English Alive 1 and 2. The book Covered four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are related and graded to real life situations, and also provides the student with comprehensive learning. So that the students would be easy to comprehend. English Alive 3 has the differential with English Alive 1 and 2 which is the contents and the object.
The contents are;
Unit 1 (Amazing Story)

  1. The Exciting Adventure, Possibility and Capability of Doing Something, Prepositions, and Brochure.
  2. The Exciting Story, Giving Complements, Simple Past Tense, and Narration.

Unit 2 (Technology)

  1. The Manual, Giving Instruction and Requests, Imperative, and Manual Book.
  2. E-Learners, Expressing Wonder/Curiosity and Wish, Gerund, and Explanation.

Unit 3 (Health)

  1. Healthy Food, Suggestion, Modal (Should), and Menu.
  2. Stay Healthy, Complaining, Unless and As Long As, and Free Text.

Unit 4 (Job and Career)

  1. Nice Career, Promising, Derivational Affixes, and Explanation.
  2. Job Choice, Admitting Mistake, Verb + Infinitive and Verb + Object + Infinitive, and Advertisement (Job Vacancy).

Unit 5 (First Aid)

  1. Drug Abuse, Accusing and Blaming, Relative Clause, Discussion.
  2. Asking-Giving Opinion, Agree-Disagree Opinion, Adverb Clause, and Brochure.

Unit 6 (Education)

  1. Reporting and Motivating, Review.
  2. Prefixes, and Leaflet.

Unit 7 (Symbolic and Signs)

  1. Telling Prohibition, Must vs Have To, and Notice.
  2. Regrets and No Regrets, Third Conditional Sentences, and Letter of Regret.

Unit 8 (History and Politics)

  1. The Ancient History, Persuading, Adverb, and Narration.
  2. Intention and Purpose, Compound Word, Narration.

Unit 9 (Tourism)

  1. Exciting Culture, Plans and Schedule, Will vs Going To, Travel Brochure.
  2. On Vacation, Hope, The Future Perfect, and Narration.

Unit 10 (Movie)

  1. Appraisal, Both, Neither and Either, Review Text. 
  2. Criticizing, So Such and Too, Free Text.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


English Alive 2

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-English Alive 2nd
A Book from Yudhistira, M.J. Ari Widayanti and Rini Susanti Wulandari

This book, English Alive 2, are new season from the previous one, but this book is for second grade in Senior High School. The advantage from this book is still same as the previous one, English Alive 1. The book Covered four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are related and graded to real life situations, and also provides the student with comprehensive learning. So that the students would be easy to comprehend. English Alive 2 has the differential with English Alive 1 which is the contents and the object.
The contents are;
Unit 1 (Modern Technology)

  1. Pleasure and Displeasure, Pronoun, Degree of Comparison, and Report.
  2. Communication (Phone Conversation, Direct and Indirect Speech).

Unit 2 (Friendship)

  1. Requests, Imperative, Simple Past Tense, and Narrative Text. 
  2. Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, Adjective Clause, and Analytical Exposition.

Unit 3 (My Favorite)

  1. Favorite things to do, Relief, and Poster.
  2. Favorite Celebrity, Pain, Present Perfect Tense, and Narrative.

Unit 4 (leisure)

  1. Going out, Warning, Preference, and Brochure.
  2. Advice, Suggestion, Modal (Should, Ought to, Had Better), Adverbial Clause, Present Perfect Tense, and Analytical Exposition.

Unit 5 (Careers)

  1. Job Choice, Opinion, Gerunds, Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Continuous, and Report.
  2. Job Opportunity, Noun Clause, and Analytical Exposition.

Unit 6 (Life is Wonderful)

  1. Love, Subjunctive, Elliptical Sentences, and Narrative.
  2. Entertainment, Anger, Conditional If (Type 1 and 2), and Narrative.

Unit 7 (Have Fun)

  1. Laugh and Blush, Embarrassment, Direct-Indirect Speech, and Spoof. 
  2. Holiday, Love, and Present Perfect Tense.

Unit 8 (Healthy Shopping)

  1. Go Shopping, Causative (Have and Get), Passive Voice, Hortatory Exposition.
  2. Stay Healthy, Stand, Make + Verb, Make + Adjective, Transitions.

Unit 9 ( Consumers' Needs)

  1. Embarrassment, Simple Past, Past Continuous, and Connectors Showing Purpose and Reason.
  2. Attracting Consumers, Sadness, and Commercial Ads.

Unit 10 (Sports Culture)

  1. Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body, Wh-Question, Yes/No Question, Preposition, Ads, Poster, Brochure, and Announcement
  2. Cross Cultural Understanding, Annoyance, Part of Speech, Preposition, and Spoof.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


English Alive 1

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-English Alive 1st
A Book from Yudhistira, M.J. Ari Widayanti and Rini Susanti Wulandari

Learning English is crucial to our life because with English we can communicate to everyone in this world. Thought English is important, how could you ignore and avoid it? Here I have a good news for you the learners especially for Senior High school that I have a great book for you. This book, English Alive for Senior High School in the first grade, will help you to learn English with correctly and easily.
This book has some contents which called unit, and it will help you to learn English easily, that are;

Unit 1 (Unforgettable Experience)
  1. Greeting, Celebrating, Introducing to Others, Accepting and Cancelling Appointment, and Reflexing and Emphasising Pronouns.
  2. Sympathy and Condolence, and How to Use "used to" (Simple Past Tense).

Unit 2 (Once Upon A Time)
  1. Amusing Folktales (Feeling, Noun Phrase, and Past Continuous Tense).
  2. Legends of Place (Attentions and Appositives).

Unit 3 (Follow The Steps!)
  1. Invitation, Imperative and Quantifiers.
  2. Direction on Use (Instruction and Gerunds).

Unit 4 (Leisure Time)
  1. Shopping, Asking and Offering Help, and Modals (Can, Could, May, Might).
  2. Asking Opinion and Adverbial Clause.

Unit 5 (Follow Me!)
  1. Likes and Dislikes, and Degree of Comparison.
  2. Sequence Maker

Review 1

Unit 6 (The Future)
  1. Wishes, Asking for information, and Question Tag.
  2. Asking for Interest and Simple Present Tense.

Unit 7 (People and Place)
  1. Biography, Compliment, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  2. Interesting Place and Objects, Favor, and Relative Clause.

Unit 8 (What's Going on Today?)
  1. Newspaper's Headlines, Congratulation, and Passive Voice.
  2. Disbelief and Past Perfect Tense.

Unit 9 (News)
  1. Domestic Affairs, and Simple Past Tense vs Past Continuous Tense.
  2. World Scene, and Direct-Indirect Speech.

Unit 10 (There is a Story)
  1. Listening to Story, Graduate, and Conjunction.
  2. Expressing Surprising and Conditional Sentence.
Review 2

       Form each units, the students are directed to make extensive using of pair work and group work, listening exercise, communication tasks, reading comprehension and writing activity. Every units have contemporary topics and relevant ones or called "Reference", and also gives us links language functions, grammars and texts in every middle and last units.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati



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In this conversation tells about the information between 2 passages, that are Adrienne and Todd. They talked about what breakfast they ate in the morning. In accidental, they brought their culture in conversation, such as what kind of breakfast they ate and they did in the morning. At the first, Todd asked to Adrienne about her breakfast, and adrienne answered that she drank some grapefruit juice. Todd felt that is not healthy breakfast and wanted to tell her mother about it. Everyday Todd always has breakfast in the morning. And Adrienne normally has breakfast with yogurt and fruit, and she likes plain yogurt because the original sweet from yogurt mixed in the fruit and add some honey or molasses makes the taste so chemical for her. Adrienne rarely cooks breakfast, but her favorite breakfast to cook is spinach and cheese omelet, sometimes with turkey bacon and hash-browns. Turkey bacon doesn't mean the taste like Turkish but the meat from Turkey, the bacon is crunchier and crisper. She thinks that many people don't like it because it is kind of an acquired taste.
Those all above is one of their culture in the morning. Every countries have their own culture, and many things that we will know the other one with surfing in internet and do conversation with somebody else in other country, such as this website. The website gives us a lot of information in there and trains our skill with extensive reading. And also every last session they give us the question related the text, it's all to ensure that you understand the main context of it.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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Two Hard Working Ants

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Ants teach you many things that use in our life. As small as ants are, they can still work and do their jobs well. Everyone knows that the Ants is a very strong animal, but I'm sure some of you don't know of the Ants teach you something important about time. Here I will tell you a story about it.
One day, in sunny day and beautiful day there were two ants which was working together for collecting food. There were also some insects and asking about them, and they said
"Hey both of you? What are you doing?"
"Why are you working in this beautiful day?"
"Yes, this is a good time for our to play until night comes."
Two hard working ants were just smiling at them and told them "This is the best and right time to work."
"Then, why do you work?" One of the insects asked.
"We are working because one day there will rain again and we aren't able to work and collect the food. What will you do when it rains again? How and where will you all get food to eat? What and where will you do and live?" The ants told.
"Come on, this is good and right time to play. You have worked so hard, and you need to take a rest and play with us." All the insects tell. Then the insects left them and played all the day.
At the tomorrow morning, the rain came very hard until night time. All the other insects didn't know what they must to do because they didn't have food to eat.The two hardworking ants knew that these all would happen, so they are came out from their nest to help the insects. The ants called them and asked to eat with them as they have quite a lot of food.
From the story, the ants teach us how important to set everything for what will happen in the next days so that you just sit and know very well that you will be good for sure. Remember you and anyone do not know when this will be, and the best thing you can do is to get yourself set for everything with all your might and all your fight as well.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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