October 07, 2017

English Alive 3

Reviewing back...

-English Alive 3rd
A Book from Yudhistira, M.J. Ari Widayanti and Rini Susanti Wulandari

This book, English Alive 3, are new season from the previous one, but this book is for third grade in Senior High School. The advantage from this book is still same as the previous one, English Alive 1 and 2. The book Covered four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are related and graded to real life situations, and also provides the student with comprehensive learning. So that the students would be easy to comprehend. English Alive 3 has the differential with English Alive 1 and 2 which is the contents and the object.
The contents are;
Unit 1 (Amazing Story)

  1. The Exciting Adventure, Possibility and Capability of Doing Something, Prepositions, and Brochure.
  2. The Exciting Story, Giving Complements, Simple Past Tense, and Narration.

Unit 2 (Technology)

  1. The Manual, Giving Instruction and Requests, Imperative, and Manual Book.
  2. E-Learners, Expressing Wonder/Curiosity and Wish, Gerund, and Explanation.

Unit 3 (Health)

  1. Healthy Food, Suggestion, Modal (Should), and Menu.
  2. Stay Healthy, Complaining, Unless and As Long As, and Free Text.

Unit 4 (Job and Career)

  1. Nice Career, Promising, Derivational Affixes, and Explanation.
  2. Job Choice, Admitting Mistake, Verb + Infinitive and Verb + Object + Infinitive, and Advertisement (Job Vacancy).

Unit 5 (First Aid)

  1. Drug Abuse, Accusing and Blaming, Relative Clause, Discussion.
  2. Asking-Giving Opinion, Agree-Disagree Opinion, Adverb Clause, and Brochure.

Unit 6 (Education)

  1. Reporting and Motivating, Review.
  2. Prefixes, and Leaflet.

Unit 7 (Symbolic and Signs)

  1. Telling Prohibition, Must vs Have To, and Notice.
  2. Regrets and No Regrets, Third Conditional Sentences, and Letter of Regret.

Unit 8 (History and Politics)

  1. The Ancient History, Persuading, Adverb, and Narration.
  2. Intention and Purpose, Compound Word, Narration.

Unit 9 (Tourism)

  1. Exciting Culture, Plans and Schedule, Will vs Going To, Travel Brochure.
  2. On Vacation, Hope, The Future Perfect, and Narration.

Unit 10 (Movie)

  1. Appraisal, Both, Neither and Either, Review Text. 
  2. Criticizing, So Such and Too, Free Text.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


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