January 07, 2018

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Reviewing back...
-J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling made up her next novel book story titled Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which is as a famous as before. In her next novel J.K. Rowling offers up equal parts danger and delight which gives some number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges. in Hogwarts School at fourth years of Harry Potter in, the season's premier sporting event, Triwizard Tournament, was begun in Hogwarts School. The event in all the wizarding world can join it and wins it even Harry joins it. But there something went wrong when Harry joins the event. The requirement to join the event should have age 18-22 years old, and Harry is still 17 years old. So everyone thinks that Harry cheated in Triwizard Tournament.

Fascinating the imagination of J.K. Rowling makes the readers sinking in her writing and feeling impressed to the main character. For example, when Harry Potter played the tournament, it was so attractive and full of adventure way.

So it starts from the Weasley family took Harry and Hermione Granger to the Quidditch World Cup, using a Portkey, to watch Ireland versus Bulgaria, with Ireland emerging victorious. There, Harry met Cedric Diggory. His senior friend in Hogwarts School. After the match, Voldemort's allies attack the site, destroying everything, spectators' tents and wreaking havoc, and the Dark Mark gets fired into the sky. Then they are returned to Hogwarts and those messiness became hot topic in the ministry that He is back, Lord Voldemort is back.

At Hogwarts on Halloween days, Professor Dumbledore announces that Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody would be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the year, and also that Hogwarts would host the Triwizard Tournament, with a prize of one thousand gold Galleons. The participant in this tournament was Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons Academy, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang Institute, and Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts to compete in the tournament and also Harry Potter whom he was an additional name popped out of the Goblet of Fire. It made Ron, his bestie, got jealous and didn't want to talk to Harry until he knew the full danger of the tournament.

Harry passed every each task that tournament offered including when Harry had to rescue Ron and Fleur's younger sister, Gabrielle, from under the lake, after Fleur was unable to save her because he was failed. One month before the final task, Harry returns to preparing for the final task, a hedge maze. Inside the maze, Harry was forced to incapacitate Krum, who has been bewitched, to save Cedric. Harry and Cedric decided to work together that they agreed to touch the cup together. Unfortunately, the cup was a portkey which was transports them to a graveyard. Harry felt the pain on his scar and saw that there was Peter Pettigrew, the he killed Cedric and uses Harry's blood to resurrect Lord Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort was reborned and against Harry with his magic spell "avada kadavra". But harry could hold on it by helped from his parents, Sirius Black, and Cedric. In fastly Harry could escape back to Hogwarts using the Portkey cup and took Cedric's body with him. When they were back, suddenly everything was quite silent and looked at Harry. Then Harry told that He is back and Cedric had passed away. Many people, including Fudge, do not believe Harry and Dumbledore about Voldemort's return.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati


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