January 01, 2018

The Super-Earth that Came Home for Dinner

Reviewing back...

-Pat Brennan

A Planet Nine has possibility to get closer into our solar system even it hovers at the edge of our solar system. However subtly pulling strings behind the scenes: stretching out the orbits of distant bodies, perhaps even tilting the entire solar system to one side. It is a possible "Planet Nine" can brings "days of darkness" because it is perhaps 10 times the mass of Earth and 20 times farther from the sun than Neptune. Surveys of planets around other stars in our galaxy have found the most common types to be "super Earths" and their somewhat larger cousins, bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune. Caltech professor Mike Brown and assistant professor Konstanin Batygin have been working together to investigate Planet Nine. Batygin and his co-author, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, described the first three breadcrumbs on Planet Nine’s trail in a January 2016 paper, published in the Astronomical Journal. 

Brown realized that five such objects already known to astronomers fill the bill. Eventually, a second article from the team, this time led by Batygin’s graduate student, Elizabeth Bailey, showed that Planet Nine could have tilted the planets of our solar system during the last 4.5 billion years.

To find Planet Nine itself Batygin and Brown should do the remaining step where they use the Subaru Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii to try to do just that. Though they did it, they still have a big question which is "where did Planet Nine come from?" In order to find it, Batygin says he spends little time ruminating on its origin, whether it is a fugitive from our own solar system or, just maybe, a wandering rogue planet captured by the sun’s gravity.

Other scientists offer a different possible explanation for the Planet Nine that a recent analysis based on a sky mapping project called the Outer Solar System Origins Survey suggests that the evidence also could be consistent with a random distribution of such objects. In fact, the analysis from a team led by Cory Shankman of the University of Victoria still could not rule out Planet Nine.

If Planet Nine is found, it will be a homecoming of sorts, or at least a family reunion. Yet these common, garden-variety planets are conspicuously absent from our solar system. The proposed Planet Nine would make a good fit, and Planet Nine could turn out to be our missing super Earth.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

 2017-12-30 22:21:23.692000

Science Article

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