January 01, 2018

Virgo and the Sparkling

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-Annisa Nisfihani, Ellie Goh, and Jan Mintaraga

Virgo and the Sparkling is an online comic strip. The creator is Annisa Nisfihani. She has made comics in 2010, and focused in romance comedy. Some of the comics that she made are My Pre-wedding (end), Pasutri Gaje (on going), and Virgo and the Sparkling (on going).

Virgo and the Sparkling tells about a girl who had power inside her, and had an ability in music including singing and playing guitar. Her name is Riani, and she had a power because of her synesthesia. Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who have a synesthesia called as synesthetes. Synesthetes see characters just as others do (in whichever color actually displayed) but may simultaneously perceive color as associated with or evoked by each one. Then because of her synesthesia she can change the colors becoming an electrical unique power. One day, she met new friends that was an group music band. They invited Riani to join their member group. Then Riani joined in their group, and her life became more colorful. Read more about her next story in webtoon.com/translate.

by Dini Dwintika Karuniati

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